Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Big Adventures...

Kona is getting so big! Growing so fast! She continues to be a bundle of energy and loves to go on new adventures. Always up for a walk or game of ball toss...or a cuddle with Scott. : )

Her adult teeth are starting to come in, so that's been very exciting to see. All looks healthy there! Her fur is also starting to get longer, with darker regions beginning to grow on her back and chest. I think she will be a beautiful dark golden when she finally grows up. Just like her mom!

She continues to love her toys. Finally getting to the point where she can really chew into things. It will be interesting to see how the toys hold up as she gets more playful and rough with them. Also loves long hikes where she can run and play...definitely prefers them over her leashed walks. We try to get her out for long adventures...as school allows. : )

Altogether, it has been quite the journey thus far. She continues to be as loving to both Scott and me as ever...certainly a dedicated friend. Love to come home and see her standing in the doorway. She is always excited to see us. Just great!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Watch Kona's First Movie...

This is a compilation of the videos we have shot of Kona since she has been with us. Enjoy!

Make sure to have your volume up because the movie does have sound!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Growing, growing, and more growing...

Kona is now 13 weeks old! Growing so fast! She is curious about anything and everything around her, and loves to go on long walks where she can run and play. Over the last few weeks, she has made great advances in her training. She can sit, come, and fetch...stay is still a work in-progress as she just loves to be near us (can't stand to sit as we walk away). Her toys have been keeping her busy, and she has developed a LOVE for pig ears. We give them to her in moderation...a special treat when she is really good.

She has really grown fond of Beau and Sadie...just adores them. She loves to sit on the grass and watch Beau run around. As she has grown, she has become incredibly observant...watches things around her and reacts after seemingly analyzing the situation. Quite the smart dog, I think.

Hasn't quite developed her swimming legs yet, but is becoming more and more comfortable with the water. She likes to walk around in the shallow parts of ponds...any day now she'll jump in.

Loves the snow too! Sticks her nose in, jumps, plays...it's quite entertaining to see her in action. She's still little, so the deep snow really wears her out after a while. That's great for Scott and me since she is a bundle of energy right now.

Kona is at the point now where she is starting to push the boundaries around the house. She tries to jump up on things, loves to pull at blankets and garbage bags, and tries hard to get her nose into the bathroom garbage can. A typical puppy...but we have been working tirelessly to keep the behavior to a minimum. She's always getting better in regards to this behavior...a work in-progress.

Overall, it has been a busy 13 weeks. She is a fast learner and continues to grow into a lovely little pup. Her adoration of Scott continues to grow...she gets SO excited when he comes home from a day at school. Such a sweet dog...puts you in a good mood even on the dreariest of days. A real joy.